
Peg Helminski
Peg Helmin­s­ki

Peg Helmin­s­ki, M.Ed., DTM is a sto­ry­teller, an author, an award-win­ning pub­lic speak­er, an audio­book nar­ra­tor and a coach.

A native of the New Jer­sey shore, she had also lived in six oth­er states before final­ly com­ing home to North Carolina.

A bib­lio­phile from her ear­li­est mem­o­ries, she won her first writ­ing con­test in 7th grade and sold her first short sto­ry to Amer­i­can Girl Mag­a­zine at age 14. She has been writ­ing ever since!

Peg com­plet­ed a master’s of edu­ca­tion in coun­sel­ing and bachelor’s degrees in Eng­lish and behav­ioral sci­ence as well as a cer­tifi­cate in coaching.

She is a Dis­tin­guished Toast­mas­ter and has won numer­ous pub­lic speak­ing and lead­er­ship awards.

Peg is an avid nature pho­tog­ra­ph­er who enjoys hik­ing with her hus­band and their Aus­tralian Shepherd.

Peg Helminski
Peg Helmin­s­ki