
[photo: Elizabeth Helminski]

Peg has written two middle grade, historic novels with strong, female protagonists, one nonfiction book about things for kids to do in Minneapolis & St. Paul and hundreds (and hundreds) of articles and short stories for newspapers, magazines, newsletters, and educational testing as well as advertising copy, radio shorts, funding grant proposals, and even puppet show scripts!
Her articles have spanned topics from current controversies such as Catholic Women’s ordination and LGBTQ rights to the Historical events like the Fall of the Berlin Wall, and the development of the airplane or scientific looks at the mystery that once surrounded the migration of Monarch butterflies, the varied mating habits of frogs or a step-by-step description of the archaeological process.
As an author, Peg has provided programs to schools, churches, scout and youth groups for over 30 years!
School presentations vary from a brief explanation of what kinds of things writers do, to a half-day of hands-on activities related to China to multi-week writing workshops for teen (and adult) groups.
If her schedule allows, Peg is also delighted to briefly attend adult bookclub meetings via Zoom to answer questions when one of her books is the topic of discussion.

[photo: Elizabeth Helminski]