Audiobook Narration

Peg Helminski
Peg Helmin­s­ki
[pho­to: Eliz­a­beth Helminski]

If you are look­ing for a warm and vibrant voice to bring your new book to life through audio nar­ra­tion, Peg would be hap­py to dis­cuss your project.

Her expe­ri­ence as an author, speak­er and as sound edi­tor for the RLI Tak­ing the Lead pod­cast, gives her a unique skillset that is both artis­tic and technical.

Click on the sam­ples below to hear sam­ples of Peg’s nar­ra­tion style.

The Great Stone Face

Dumm­ling and the Three Feathers

Daugh­ter of a Thou­sand Pieces of Gold

Peg Helminski
Peg Helmin­s­ki
[pho­to: Eliz­a­beth Helminski]