
Peg Helminski
Peg Helmin­s­ki
[pho­to: Eliz­a­beth Helminski]
Books by Peg Helminski

Peg has writ­ten two mid­dle grade, his­toric nov­els with strong, female pro­tag­o­nists, one non­fic­tion book about things for kids to do in Min­neapo­lis & St. Paul and hun­dreds (and hun­dreds) of arti­cles and short sto­ries for news­pa­pers, mag­a­zines, newslet­ters, and edu­ca­tion­al test­ing as well as adver­tis­ing copy, radio shorts, fund­ing grant pro­pos­als, and even pup­pet show scripts!

Her arti­cles have spanned top­ics from cur­rent con­tro­ver­sies such as Catholic Women’s ordi­na­tion and LGBTQ rights to the His­tor­i­cal events like the Fall of the Berlin Wall, and the devel­op­ment of the air­plane or sci­en­tif­ic looks at the mys­tery that once sur­round­ed the migra­tion of Monarch but­ter­flies, the var­ied mat­ing habits of frogs or a step-by-step descrip­tion of the archae­o­log­i­cal process.

As an author, Peg has pro­vid­ed pro­grams to schools, church­es, scout and youth groups for over 30 years!

School pre­sen­ta­tions vary from a brief expla­na­tion of what kinds of things writ­ers do, to a half-day of hands-on activ­i­ties relat­ed to Chi­na to mul­ti-week writ­ing work­shops for teen (and adult) groups.

If her sched­ule allows, Peg is also delight­ed to briefly attend adult book­club meet­ings via Zoom to answer ques­tions when one of her books is the top­ic of discussion.

Peg Helminski
Peg Helmin­s­ki
[pho­to: Eliz­a­beth Helminski]