
Peg Helminski
Peg Helmin­s­ki
[pho­to: Eliz­a­beth Helminski]

Peg offers coach­ing that focus­es on goal-set­ting, life and career strate­gies and man­ag­ing life tran­si­tions. She’s unique­ly qual­i­fied to coach you through writ­ing your first nov­el, devel­op­ing your next pre­sen­ta­tion or strength­en­ing your lead­er­ship potential.

Peg also offers work­shops on writ­ing, sto­ry­telling, lead­er­ship devel­op­ment and pub­lic speak­ing. Whether offered as inter­nal cor­po­rate train­ing events for such clients as AT&T, Duke Uni­ver­si­ty, or the James Madi­son Uni­ver­si­ty Alum­ni Asso­ci­a­tion, or as exter­nal events, these work­shops require a time-lim­it­ed com­mit­ment from par­tic­i­pants, and pro­vide a way to grow in the com­pa­ny of like-mind­ed colleagues.

Click on the con­tact but­ton whether you already have a group and are look­ing for a facil­i­ta­tor, have a sug­ges­tion for a group you’d like to par­tic­i­pate in, or if you want to be noti­fied of new, sub­ject spe­cif­ic groups forming.

Peg Helminski
Peg Helmin­s­ki
[pho­to: Eliz­a­beth Helminski]