Storyteller and inspirational speaker

Peg Helminski
Peg Helmin­s­ki
[pho­to: Eliz­a­beth Helminski]

Peg is an award-win­ning pub­lic speak­er and Dis­tin­guished Toast­mas­ter with a rep­u­ta­tion for speak­ing and lead­er­ship excel­lence. Her inter­est spans a broad range of top­ics from the very seri­ous, such as juve­nile deten­tion and domes­tic vio­lence, and over­com­ing lead­er­ship chal­lenges to pok­ing humor­ous jabs at fam­i­ly life. Peg espe­cial­ly delights to tell some­what famil­iar fairy­tales and para­bles rewrit­ten for an audi­ence with mod­ern-day sen­si­bil­i­ties or high­light­ing an his­tor­i­cal era.

View “The Cel­lar Crea­ture” on The Monti.